Colon Hydrotherapy, also known as Colon Therapy, Colonic Irrigation, Colon Cleansing or Colonics, is a natural cleansing process that assists people in their quest for greater health.
Colon Hydrotherapy helps with many issues, including IBS, spastic colon, bloating, constipation and indigestion. It is thought that colonics alleviate symptoms associated with Candida and yeast infections, as well as that tired, sluggish and general worn-out feeling. It is also used as an aid to weight-loss as it encourages the release of toxins and stagnant waste.
Colon cleansing gently removes waste, toxins, mucous, parasites, irritants and allergy triggers that often lead to disease. Removing stagnant, putrefied matter from the colon aids general detoxification of the whole body and creates a powerful stimulus for the body to heal itself.
(NB: Only single-use, disposable tubing and speculums are used in my clinic based in Edenvale, Gauteng.) Click here for pricing.